Unlicensed States: The Ethics, The How-Tos, and The Must-Knows

Unlicensed States: The Ethics, The How-Tos, and The Must-Knows

What You'll Learn

  • The difference between an unlicensed and an unregulated state
  • The top considerations and legalities on having a naturopathic business in an unlicensed state (language to use, medication management, touch, charting, accepting insurance, having malpractice insurance, and more)
  • Foundational business practices


Have you been wanting to move back home to an unlicensed state or open a satellite practice in one? But not exactly sure how to go about it or the rules and regulations you have to consider? In this course, Dr. Christie Fleetwood shares her 7 years of experience running a naturopathic business in an unlicensed state.

Dr. Christie explains the differences between an unlicensed and an unregulated state – and why it matters. She overviews the pros and cons of being in an unlicensed state and how this can directly impact the growth and sustainability of your practice. She weighs in on the importance of language, the role of accepting insurance, the legality of medication management and touch, considerations for malpractice insurance, and how to properly chart. She breaks down the differences in the scope of practice and regulatory status for NDs as they vary from state-to-state. She even touches on some foundational practices to running a sustainable naturopathic business.

Whether you are just starting your practice or looking to expand, this course will help navigate the ethics surrounding running a naturopathic business in an unlicensed state.

Course Content

  • Unlicensed vs. Unregulated States 25min
  • Ethical Considerations  24min
  • BONUS: The Therapeutic Order 4min


I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, in 1988. After practicing as a retail pharmacist in the greater Richmond area for a decade, I attended Bastyr University, earning a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004. Because of my unique education and training, I understand both conventional medicine as well as natural forms of healing. And because I’ve been asked to teach on pharmacology/pharmacy related topics to my beloved naturopathic profession, I study them constantly, going deeper into the intricacies and nuances of the agents and uncovering some astonishing information that I think YOU (and your patients/clients) would benefit from knowing!

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This course includes:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion (PDF)
  • Certificate available immediately
This course is intended for practitioners.